Professor Dr art. Gunvor Guttorm Sami University College, Norway Dr. Gunvor Guttorm is the very first professor in sái duodji (sámi handicraft and art). She has been working with introdusing duodji to higher education since 1986 when she was hired to plan and run the first teacher training program in duodji. Since then she has been the real proponent in developing duodji at SUC, materializing the best practises of the traditional handicraft into academic programs but keeing the traditional values intact. This is a good example how you combine indigenous knowledge and developement of academic programs to invent a creative and sustainable high-educational program from the basic level through bachelor into an accredited master level program.
Scientific commitions, supervicer
2011: Sámi allaskuvla: Leader of commition of scholarship in assoaciated professor in duodji
2009: Sámi allaskuvla: Leader of commition of scholarship in dr. gradsstipendiat i duodji:
2008: Sámi allaskuvla/Sámi University College: Kommisjonsmedlem i vurdering av dr.gradsstipendiat i Innovasjon.
2007: Luleå tekniske universitet: Pree reviewer Ylva Jannok Nuttis licens.
Scientefic articles (with referee)
2011: Hutkáivuohta, improvisašuvdna ja innovašuvdna kultuvrralaš ovdanbuktimis- Jelena Porsanger, Outi Guttorm, Johan Klemet Karlstad, Laila Susanne Sara Oskarsson, Mikael Svonni (doaim): Sámi dieđalaš áigečála 1/2011. S 3- 19.
2009: Sámi craft, a shadow of art in the art of discourse? Indeigenous Voices, Indigenous Symbols. World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium. Journal 2009. s 47-60
2007: Ebmos nissonolmmoš dárbbaša hámálaš gahpira- ládjogahpiriid hámit ja hearvvat 1800-logu álggus. Sámi Dieđalaš áigečálá 1-2/2007. Guovdageaidnu- Tromsa: Sámi allaskuvla- Sámi instituhtta- Romssa universitehta sámi dutkamiid guovddáš.
2005: Gietkka, dárbbu, muittu ja hábmema dihtii. Sámi Dieđalaš áigečálá 1/2005.Karasjok: Davvi Girji.
Scientific books
2010: Duojáris duojárat (Davvi Girji med støtte fra Sametinget i Norge og Norges forskningsråd)
Scientific articles (without referee)
2011: Árbediehtu (Traditiona Knowledge) –as a concept and in practice - Jelena Porsanger & Gunvor Guttorm (eds): Working with Traditional Knowledge: Communities, Institutions, Infrormation Systems, Law and Ethics. Dieđut 1/2011. S 59 – 73.
2009: Small Pieces of Antler Make Sense. I: Leena K. Kaukinen (red): Proceeding of the Crafticulation & Education Conference. Techne series A/14/2009. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
Articles without referee
2009: ...And then we sat of for Guovdageidnui. Keskitalo/Nystad/Pettersen (red): Sámi oahpahus sámi dutkan Sámi ásahus Sámi allaskuvla 20 jagi. Guovdageaidnu: Sámi allaskuvla.
2009: Duodji. I Marte Gulliksen & Merlène Johansson (red): Nuläge och framåtblickar- om undervisning och forskning inom det nordiska slŋojdfŋaltet. Technè B:15/2008.
2007: Duodji- hvem eier kunskapen og verkene? – John T. Solbakk (red), Tradisjonell kunnskap og opphavsrett. Karasjok, Sámikopiija.
2006: Reinens gevir, utgangspunkt for en ny fortelling - Pauli Nielsen (red), Innovation og aflæring. Færøyene: Føroya Lærarskùli.
2006: Teaching content in the field of arts and crafts adapted to cultural diversity. – Den norske delegasjonen til verdenskonferansen, Unescos verdenskonferanse om kunst i utdanningen, Lisboa, 6.-9. mars 2006 (rapport). Oslo: Den norske delegasjonen til verdenskonferansen.
2011: Sákkaldagaiguin stágge muitalusaid. I: Jan Erik Lundström: Britta Marakatt-Labba: Sággon muitalusat. Kiruna: Konsentrat.
2009: Duodji- som begrep og som en del av livet. I: Gierdu- bevegelser i kunstverden. Skinn – RiddoDuotta Museat.
2008: Ethics in research on duodji (Sami handicraft) and the returning of knowledge. Report 1/2008 – Sámi Instuítuhtta. Kautokeino: Sámi instituhtta.
2005: Den samiske drakten i en historisk kontekst.- Sverre Hol Haugen (red.) Norsk bunadsleksikon. Oslo: Damm Forlag.
2005: Karasjokdrakten. Sverre Hol Haugen (red.) Norsk bunadsleksikon. Oslo: Damm Forlag
2008: Ávdnasis duodjin. Dipmaduodjetearpmat. (En bok i samiske mykduodjitermer. I samarbeide med Solveig Labba). DAT
Invited lecturer – International.
2011.11-12.02.2011: Cultur- Radar – seminar I Jyväskylä, Finland. Med fordraget: Place and Close Enviroment as the starting Point of Cultural Exprssions.
2010: 21. – 24.06: University of Lapland, Rovaniemi: INSEA conference. “Local Community as Partner”
2010: 18-19.05: Schmuchhochschule – Idar- Oberstein. Cnference: Schmuck Denken
2009: 26-27.11.09: Arctic State Institute of Arts and Culture, Yakutsk: (Art education in cultural space).: (Invitert hovedfordragsholder).
2006: 9. – 13. mai. Færøyene, Den nordiske lærerkonferansen. (invitert hovedforeleser)
2006: 5. – 9. mars Polen, Lisboa: UNESCOS verdenskonferanse om kunst i utdanningen. (invitert plenumforeleser)
2006: Februar: University of Umåe, Estetiske Institutionen.
2005: University of Oulu, Giellagas. Faglig forelesing
Invitet keynote speaker- international
2011: 07.06.2011: Karasjok: SARP conference: Dáidda and duodji- Iconicity and context. Foredrag: Paradigm shift in the view of duodji in the 21st century.
2010: 21. – 24.06: University of Lapland, Rovaniemi: INSEA conference. “Local Community as Partner”
2010: 18-19.05: Schmuchhochschule – Idar- Oberstein. Cnference: Schmuck Denken
2009: 26-27.11.09: Arctic State Institute of Arts and Culture, Yakutsk: (Art education in cultural space).: Art education in a Saami perspective, with duodji as starting point.
2006: 9. – 13. mai. Færøyene, Den nordiske lærerkonferansen
Invited keynote speaker
2009: Sámi University College 04-05.11.09: Tradition and Modernity: Innovation and tradition- Is Creativity Innovation and Recurrence Tradition?
2011: Lilla Galleriet, Umeå, Sweden, March.
2010: Febrary- March: Shop In Lapland: Exhibit
2006: Sámi Dáiddaguovddáš/Sami Gallery, 6-25 januar.
2005: Vandreutstilling Duodji- en reise gjennom historien. Jokkmokk, Umeå, Gøteborg, Uppsala, Nääs. Arrangør Same Duodji, Jokkmokk.
2010: Ajtte, Swedish Sami and Forest Museum (Basket)
2010: Norvegian Sami Parliement: (Bowl)
2006: Norvegian Sami Parliement (Container)
2006: Nordic Sami Institute (Picture)
2005: Sami Universit College (Bowl)